List with Font Icons
You can use the Font Icons in lists too, it’s really great and you can check all the icons avaliable in the Font Icons page.
- adjust
- anchor
- asterisk
- ban-circle
- bar-chart
- barcode
- beaker
- beer
- bell-alt
- bell
- bolt
- book
- bookmark-empty
- bookmark
- briefcase
- bullhorn
- bullseye
- calendar-empty
- calendar
- camera-retro
- camera
- certificate
- check-empty
- check-minus
- check-sign
- check
- circle-blank
- circle
- cloud-download
- cloud-upload
- cloud
- code-fork
- code
- coffee
- cog
- cogs
- collapse-alt
- comment-alt
- comment
- comments-alt
- comments
- credit-card
- crop
- dashboard
- desktop
- download-alt
- download
- edit-sign
- edit
- ellipsis-horizontal
- ellipsis-vertical
- envelope-alt
- envelope
- eraser
- exchange
- exclamation-sign
- exclamation
- expand-alt
- external-link-sign
- external-link
- eye-close
- eye-open
- facetime-video
- fighter-jet
- film
- filter
- fire-extinguisher
- fire
- flag-alt
- flag-checkered
- flag
- folder-close-alt
- folder-close
- folder-open
- folder-open-alt
- food
- frown
- gamepad
- gift
- glass
- globe
- group
- hdd
- headphones
- heart-empty
- heart
- home
- inbox
- info-sign
- info
- key
- keyboard
- laptop
- leaf
- legal
- lemon
- level-down
- level-up
- lightbulb
- location-arrow
- lock
- magic
- magnet
- share-alt
- reply
- reply-all
- map-marker
- meh
- microphone-off
- microphone
- minus-sign-alt
- minus-sign
- minus
- mobile-phone
- money
- move
- music
- off
- ok-circle
- ok-sign
- ok
- pencil
- phone-sign
- phone
- picture
- plane
- plus-sign
- plus
- pushpin
- puzzle-piece
- qrcode
- question-sign
- quote-left
- quote-right
- random
- refresh
- remove-circle
- remove
- reorder
- rss-sign
- repeat
- undo
- rocket
- road
- retweet
- resize-vertical
- question
- share-alt
- reply
- reply-all
- resize-horizontal
- rss
- screenshot
- search
- share-alt
- share-sign
- share
- shield
- shopping-cart
- sign-blank
- signal
- signin
- signout
- smile
- sitemap
- sort-down
- sort-up
- sort
- spinner
- star-empty
- star-half-full
- star-half-empty
- star-half
- star
- tablet
- tag
- tags
- tasks
- terminal
- thumbs-down
- thumbs-up
- ticket
- time
- tint
- trash
- trophy
- truck
- umbrella
- unlock-alt
- unlock
- upload-alt
- upload
- user-md
- user
- volume-down
- volume-off
- volume-up
- warning-sign
- wrench
- zoom-in
- zoom-out
Get the Code
[xt_list_font_item icon="plus-1"]plus-1[/xt_list_font_item]
[xt_list_font_item icon="minus-1"]minus-1[/xt_list_font_item]
Shortcode Options
- Display all icons avaliable in Font Awesome in list format
- Retina Display Ready
- icon – the icon to be displayed
List with Mini Icons
- glass
- music
- search
- envelope
- heart
- star
- star-empty
- user
- film
- th-large
- th
- th-list
- ok
- remove
- zoom-in
- zoom-out
- off
- signal
- cog
- trash
- home
- file
- time
- road
- download-alt
- download
- upload
- inbox
- play-circle
- repeat
- refresh
- list-alt
- lock
- flag
- headphones
- volume-off
- volume-down
- volume-up
- qrcode
- barcode
- tag
- tags
- book
- bookmark
- camera
- font
- bold
- italic
- text-height
- text-width
- align-left
- align-center
- align-right
- align-justify
- list
- indent-left
- indent-right
- facetime-video
- picture
- pencil
- map-marker
- adjust
- tint
- edit
- share
- check
- move
- step-backward
- fast-backward
- backward
- play
- pause
- stop
- forward
- fast-forward
- step-forward
- eject
- chevron-left
- chevron-right
- plus-sign
- minus-sign
- remove-sign
- ok-sign
- question-sign
- info-sign
- screenshot
- remove-circle
- ok-circle
- ban-circle
- arrow-left
- arrow-right
- arrow-up
- arrow-down
- share-alt
- resize-full
- resize-small
- plus
- minus
- asterisk
- exclamation-sign
- gift
- leaf
- fire
- eye-open
- eye-close
- warning-sign
- plane
- calendar
- random
- comment
- magnet
- chevron-up
- chevron-down
- retweet
- shopping-cart
- folder-close
- folder-open
- resize-vertical
- resize-horizontal
- hdd
- bullhorn
- bell
- certificate
- thumbs-up
- thumbs-down
- hand-right
- hand-left
- hand-up
- hand-down
- circle-arrow-right
- circle-arrow-left
- circle-arrow-up
- circle-arrow-down
- globe
- wrench
- tasks
- filter
- briefcase
- fullscreen
Get the Code
[xt_list_mini_item icon="glass"]plus-1[/xt_list_mini_item]
[xt_list_mini_item icon="music"]music[/xt_list_mini_item]
Shortcode Options
- A lot of avaliable little icons
- icon – the icon name that will be displayed